Folic Acid (Folate) - foods, RDA, deficiency & supplements

On this page you will find information on:

Folic Acid (Folate) RDA - recommended daily allowance

Age group
Female Male Female Male
14-18 y 400 μg 400 μg 300 μg 300 μg
19-30 y 400 μg 400 μg 300 μg 300 μg
31-50 y 400 μg 400 μg 300 μg 300 μg
51-70 y 400 μg 400 μg 300 μg 300 μg
> 70 y 400 μg 400 μg 300 μg 300 μg
Pregnant 600 μg 550 μg
Lactating 500 μg 450 μg
  • * Recommended daily allowance values from the National Institute of Health - Office of Dietary supplementation. Go to source
  • ** Recommended daily allowance values from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Germany - Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Go to source

Folic Acid (Folate) low-carb and keto foods

per 100g per serving
Food Folic Acid (Folate) (μg) Carbs Folic Acid (Folate) (μg) Carbs
Turkey liver 670 1 670 1
Chicken liver 380 1 190 0.5
Yeast 290 1 121.8 0.42
Beef kidney 170 0 212.5 0
Egg yolk (raw) 160 0.001 32 0.0002
Spinach 145 1 217.5 1.5
Lamb’s lettuce 145 1 72.5 0.5
Pork liver (liver) 135 1 168.75 1.25
Sesame (seed) 95 10 19 2
Pig kidneys (kidney) 95 0 118.75 0
Duck’s egg 80 1 64 0.8
Spinach (prep. w/ salt & fat) 75 1 112.5 1.5
Sour cherry 75 10 93.75 12.5
Blue stilton (cheese) 75 0 22.5 0
Flaxseed 70 0 14 0
Chinese cabbage 65 1 97.5 1.5
Egg (raw, w/o shell) 65 1 39 0.6
Brie cheese (50% fdm) 65 0 19.5 0
Quail egg 65 0.001 6.5 0.0001
Camembert cheese (30% fdm) 65 0 19.5 0
Limburger (cheese) 60 0 18 0
Liver pâté 60 1 18 0.3
Bamboo shoots 60 1 30 0.5
Asparagus (prep. w/ salt & fat) 60 1 150 2.5
Fried egg 60 1 39 0.65
Brie cheese (60% fdm) 60 0 18 0
Lettuce 60 1 30 0.5
Asparagus (canned) 55 1 137.5 2.5
Camembert cheese (40 %fdm) 55 0 16.5 0
Oyster mushroom 50 0 75 0