Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin) - foods, RDA, deficiency & supplements

On this page you will find information on:

Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin) RDA - recommended daily allowance

Age group
Female Male Female Male
14-18 y 1 mg 1 mg 1.2 mg 1.6 mg
19-30 y 1.1 mg 1.1 mg 1.05 mg 1.35 mg
31-50 y 1.1 mg 1.1 mg 1.05 mg 1.35 mg
51-70 y 1.1 mg 1.1 mg 1.05 mg 1.35 mg
> 70 y 1.1 mg 1.1 mg 1.05 mg 1.35 mg
Pregnant 1.4 mg 1.3 mg
Lactating 1.4 mg 1.4 mg
  • * Recommended daily allowance values from the National Institute of Health - Office of Dietary supplementation. Go to source
  • ** Recommended daily allowance values from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Germany - Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Go to source

Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin) low-carb and keto foods

per 100g per serving
Food Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin) (mg) Carbs Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin) (mg) Carbs
Pork liver (liver) 3.2 1 4 1.25
Turkey liver 2.6 1 2.6 1
Chicken liver 2.5 1 1.25 0.5
Yeast 2.3 1 0.966 0.42
Beef kidney 2.26 0 2.825 0
Pig kidneys (kidney) 1.8 0 2.25 0
Liver sausage (fine) 1.31 1 0.393 0.3
Liver sausage (farmhouse liver sausage) 1 1 0.3 0.3
Liver sausage (coarse) 0.92 1 0.276 0.3
Quail egg 0.79 0.001 0.079 0.0001
Camembert cheese (30% fdm) 0.67 0 0.201 0
Camembert cheese (40 %fdm) 0.65 0 0.195 0
Liver pâté 0.6 1 0.18 0.3
Camembert cheese (45% fdm) 0.6 0 0.18 0
Roquefort cheese (50% fdm) 0.59 0 0.177 0
Brie cheese (40% fdm) 0.58 0 0.174 0
Duck’s egg 0.53 1 0.424 0.8
Blue cheese (50% fdm) 0.5 1 0.15 0.3
Soft cheese (45% fdm) 0.46 1 0.138 0.3
Cheddar (cheese) 0.45 0 0.135 0
Salmon (canned) 0.45 0 0.225 0
Duck breast 0.45 0 0.5625 0
Appenzeller (cheese) 0.44 0 0.132 0
Birch mushroom 0.44 0 0.66 0
Gorgonzola (cheese) 0.43 0 0.129 0
Mushroom 0.42 1 0.63 1.5
Tilsiter (cheese) 0.4 0 0.12 0
Red cap (mushroom) 0.4 0.001 0.6 0.0015
Brie cheese (60% fdm) 0.4 0 0.12 0
Butter fungus 0.4 0.001 0.6 0.0015