Potassium - foods, RDA, deficiency & supplements

On this page you will find information on:

Potassium RDA - recommended daily allowance

Age group
Female Male Female Male
14-18 y 2300 mg 3000 mg 3600 mg 3600 mg
19-30 y 2600 mg 3400 mg 4000 mg 4000 mg
31-50 y 2600 mg 3400 mg 4000 mg 4000 mg
51-70 y 2600 mg 3400 mg 4000 mg 4000 mg
> 70 y 2600 mg 3400 mg 4000 mg 4000 mg
Pregnant 2900 mg 4000 mg
Lactating 2800 mg 4000 mg
  • * Recommended daily allowance values from the National Institute of Health - Office of Dietary supplementation. Go to source
  • ** Recommended daily allowance values from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Germany - Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Go to source

Potassium low-carb and keto foods

per 100g per serving
Food Potassium (mg) Carbs Potassium (mg) Carbs
Flaxseed 725 0 145 0
Yeast 640 1 268.8 0.42
Sprats (smoked) 590 0 442.5 0
Spinach 550 1 825 1.5
Orache 540 1 540 1
Spiny lobsters 500 1 500 1
Avocado 490 1 857.5 1.75
Nettle 475 1 712.5 1.5
Bream 475 0 712.5 0
Salami (light) 470 1 117.5 0.25
Bamboo shoots 470 1 235 0.5
Sesame (seed) 460 10 92 2
Halibut (white) 445 0 667.5 0
Turkey salami 435 0.001 87 0.0002
Pork ham (smoked) 430 0 86 0
Turkey breast (cold cuts) 430 1 107.5 0.25
Sardine 420 0 420 0
Catfish (wels) 420 0 630 0
Goose meat (meat w/ skin) 420 0 525 0
Lamb’s lettuce 420 1 210 0.5
Goose leg 420 0 525 0
Red snapper 420 0 630 0
Dove (meat w/ skin) 410 0 512.5 0
Mullet 400 0 600 0
Tench 400 0 600 0
Carp 400 0 600 0
Nuremberg sausages 400 1 200 0.5
Veal (meat) 395 0 493.75 0
Matjes fillet 395 1 592.5 1.5
Zander 390 0 585 0